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Ace of Cups

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Unlock the Mysteries of the Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups Tarot Card

Lord of the Root of the Powers of Water

Season: Summer

Astrological Correspondence: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Yes or No Question: Yes

Ace of Cups Tarot Card

Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Ace of Cups

A white gloved hand emerges from a cloud holding a golden chalice. The absolute lack of color of the hand expresses that we are starting at the very beginning. The cup has five streams of water flowing outward into a calm, blue lake. The water is symbolic of cleaning the body, the baptism of Christ and the essence of life. According to Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker in their book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, “It [five] might be called the pivotal point in which the ions, now encased in flesh and form, must decide upon their future in the rest of the cycle 6 through 9. (pg.11). The interpretation is that the Ace of Cups indicates the formation and now it’s time to decide where to take that formation.

Doves are universally a symbol throughout the entire world. The message of love, unity and peace connects the entire world. In the Ace of Cups, a white dove descends into the chalice with a wafer. These are mainly Catholic constructs, to represent the holy dove uniting with the flesh of Christ.

In the Bible, Noah sent the dove, Columba, out as a messenger to find if land was near. One day the dove brough back an olive branch and since then the olive branch has been a symbol of safety and peace. The United States took Columba from the Bible and made her a secret feminine counterpart to the American bald eagle.

Doves are symbolic to Muslims as having a direct connection to God, no doubt probably taken out of Christian documents. Muhammed was said to speak to doves in the form of the Holy Spirit. Purposeful dove nests are set up in Mecca since they have a direct link to Allah. The God of Abraham is threaded through out the traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck.

The constellation Columba is the Latin word for dove. It’s a small, faint constellation the famous astrologer, Lori Lothian of, knows a lot about. Her astrological work focuses on minor asteroids and stars. This is beyond the scope of this particular blog, but feel free to check out Lori’s YouTube channel and content.

Three bells are attached to the chalice. Bells are universal symbols that come up all around the world with the same meaning: To communicate with the spirit realm. Bells are used to call to God or for heavenly angels to ward off demons.

There are three bells in the Rider-Waite deck because in Christian churches the bells are rung three times to signal that the church is ready for worship, announcing to the spiritual realm to fill the church with its heavenly light and to calm the worshippers with the peaceful sound and the vibration the sound makes in a cathedral. Three is the holy trinity: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Baby pink water lilies float that the bottom of the expansive water. We know they are babies because European water lilies start out as pink, but turn white as they age. Here is the nascent emphasizes placed on the Ace of Cups. The card is ripe for manifestation. Where will you take it? Source:

The Ace of Cups represents the manifestation of our heart into the physical. There are 26 yods that resemble droplets of water. Twenty-six is the number associated with the Page of Wands. This reinforces the divinatory meaning of the Ace of Cups as a messenger, unlike the other Aces in the Minor Arcana.

The water represents our emotions, subconscious desires, and love. Think about how water takes representation in astrology. The High Priestess Tarot Card discusses water in length.

Many of the symbolism was found in Adele Nozedar’s book, “The Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook: An A to Z compendium of over 1000 designs.”

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Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Ace of Cups

All Aces are about the possibility of something amazing happening. The universe is giving you a gift, but it’s up to you to take the lead and run with it. Do not take this moment for granted. When dealing with the Ace of Cup, it is the right time to get in touch with how you are feeling emotionally. Emotions are what manifestations are all about. Every manifestation starts with the feeling.

Ace of Cups speaks of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. Self-love and self-care are part of unconditionally loving yourself. If you are having a hard time forgiving someone, this is the right time to release that burden. Don’t allow other people’s feelings to take you somewhere dark. Forgive, accept the person or situation won’t change and move on. The Ace of Cups with all its holy water is cleansing you.

The Ace of Cups can indicate a burst of over flowing new emotions. It can be any intense emotional feeling such as the love for a new baby, romantic love or the love you feel when you give a gift from the heart. You may even have a fantastic new idea or creative expression that leaves you with overwhelming feelings and emotions.

The Ace of Cups can also signal a new baby or the conception of a new baby. It’s the type of pregnancy that results from the love of two people.

Ace of Cups represents the feelings of love, not the action that we take when we feel love.

Ace of Cups in Love Readings

Understanding the Ace of Cups in Romance

When you get the Ace of Cups in a love reading, then be prepared for a little bit of love! You’ve got the Ace of Love! It’s a new beginning for your love life. Now you need to nurture it. In some instances, it can mean unrequited love, while the Two of Cups is mutual love.

Ace of Cups as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Ace of Cups

If you want to know how someone feels and you get the Ace of Cups, you know they are feeling a lot. Your love interest maybe so overpowered with feelings that they don’t call you back. We don’t really know what kind of feelings they have, but that they have a plethora of feelings. These feelings could range from scared, anxious, sadness, love, happiness or even anger. You may need to look for the surrounding cards or draw a clarifier to figure out what kind of feelings.

Signifier or Personality Traits

The Archetype found in the Ace of Cups

Physical Representation of the Ace of Cups 

Coming soon

Ace of Cups as an External Factors

You could see or hear another person’s joy. This could be a party that you hear your neighbors having or you might be staying in a hotel where a bridal reception is taking place. Either way, it brings you a sense of joy and happiness.

One the other hand, you could have a lot of external energy flowing through you from the holy guardian spirit. This over welling of your own emotions, could come out in expressions of art, dance or music which affects other people. It affects others in a positive, wonderful way.


The Ace of Cups Crossing Card

In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengtheing).  This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. 

Ace of Cups as an Obstacle

When the Ace of Cups comes up in the crossing position or obstacle position, then there might be some unrequited love. Perhaps you love someone who doesn’t love you or someone loves you that you don’t love.

Ace of Cups as a Strength

When you get the Ace of Cups in a Celtic Cross as the crossing card to strengthen the dynamic in the reading, you need to use the full strength of your pure emotions. The Ace of Cups is pure, raw and unadulterated emotions. Emotions are the foundation of the human experience. Manifestation of desires are brought about by intense levels of emotional output. Use it wisely and the rewards will be plentiful.

Ace of Cups as Advice

The Ace of Cups advice is to get in touch with your deepest subconscious feelings because they are speaking to you directly from superconsciousness. Right now, you have a direct channel to the Holy Guardian Angel who advises you to find love in yourself first before you can attract love from another person. There is a deeply, moving spiritual aspect to the advice that is also very simple if we look to the One Voice from above and silence our minds from any sort of chatter.

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Career Implications

The Ace of Cups in Professional Life

Ace of Cups in Career

If you are seeking financial independence and wealth, this is the card to get! Though, romantic love will be sacrificed (especially if you see the Lovers card in the reading), you will find pleasure making money, forming business partnerships and alliances with wealthy connections.

The Nine of Pentacles is an excellent card for starting and maintaining a business. If you are asking specifically about whether or not you should start a business, the Nine of Pentacles is a reassurance you are on the right path.  

The Nine of Pentacles can be about the financial independence of being able to retire. If you are older or are asking about someone older, it could be about a loved one going into a retirement home. On the other hand, you could receive an inheritance as a family member consolidates their wealth prior to downsizing and retiring. Unless you see the Death card, the inheritance is from a less morbid place.

Ace of Cups Professions

Winery. Wealthy Business Owner. Sole Proprietor. Trust Fund Baby. Veterinarian. Animal Trainer. Gardener.

Astrology and Tarot

Astrology: Ace of Cups rules the Water Signs

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Everyday Aspects of the Ace of Cups

Daily Life and Practical Matters

  • You might get an unexpected package, letter or phone call soon.
  • Someone who can be of service to you will arrive soon.
  • The job you’ve been waiting to hear from finally came through.
  • You could be temporarily separated from your mate or business partner today.
  • Drinking too much can lead to health issues. Be careful that you don’t drink too much wine.
  • You’ll spend time with your pets or interact with animals.

Potential Outcomes for the Ace of Cups

What could be.....

The Ace of Cups Outcome in Love


You will remain single. They think of you as successful, mature and beautiful, but there won’t be a romantic union at this time. In fact, you might be intimidating to your potential love interest or spouse, especially if you are a woman who is more successful and you’ve found a man who is a tiny bit chauvinistic (he might be confused by how such a woman could obtain such comfort within herself and the material world without a man). But if you’ve drawn the Nine of Pentacles as the outcome in love, then perhaps this is a good sign that the man of your “current dreams” wants to let you go. Don’t worry about it. There are plenty of secure men and women would adore to help you tend to your garden.

The most likely outcome in a love reading, especially if you are over a certain age, does indicate a time where romantic love has settled down. The wild rush of untamed, undying love is over and now is a time where you find love in the garden, tending to your pets (Nine of Pentacles rules pets), or enjoying a life without the male gaze. It’s not shown in the card, but the woman in the Nine of Pentacles is also a classically trained musician, skilled in the kitchen where she makes food from her fresh garden. Perhaps think of Martha Stewart, who never remarried. She took that power and created her own single-handed dynasty. Perhaps that is where you are heading.

This is a period where you can find love within your female friendships that are not sxx in nature. Your children or grandchild could fill your life with love, but at this time there is not a marriage or physical union that implicates romance in the future.

Ace of Cups Outcome

If you happen to be in a situation where alimony, inheritance or any settlements are coming your way, they are yours for the taking. Money is a huge factor in the outcome of the Nine of Pentacles.

When asking about your life in general, the Nine of Pentacles connects to the Hermit and Empress. If we mix these energies, we see a woman who needs solitude, serenity and a tranquil environment. Just like the Empress, she is in total control of the world inside her physical reality. The garden is lush and fruitful, she has tamed any wild beasts (falcon), which represents taming any overly emotional feelings that could thwart her focus on her inner world.

Your inner world is changing and so must the physical world. You’ll find yourself in a world that you have manifested through self-love, self-value and dedication. Find this energy in yourself as would the Hermit in his guiding light of serenity.

This card really is about mastery over the physical world using Venus and Mercury as your guiding stars. Mastery will be obtained by trusting your inner guidance and perseverance.

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Reversed Meaning

Ace of Cups Reversed

The Reversed Nine of Pentacles can sometimes indicate a kept woman who amuses her lover once a week, but who lives in a sort of gilded cage.

It could also indicate a trust fund baby who doesn’t know anything else other than spending all day luxuriously being idle. They may not get any work done, but would rather lounge around eating bonbons. Sounds like a nice life!

The Reversed Nine of Pentacles can sometimes indicate that you have a weight gain tendency due to sumptuous wine and delectable cakes.

Ideas for advanced tarot readings

Tarot Combinations

Ace of Cups and Chariot
a. Containing your emotions even though they feel like they are over flowing inside.

Ace of Cups and Two of Swords
a. “No, I will not return your love.”

Ace of Cups and Two of Cups
a. Overflowing with reciprocated love. The beginning stages of love.

Ace of Cups and Three of Cups
a. Overflowing of emotions while talking or meeting with a friend(s). The three could indicate an angry, manipulative, libertine values and love triangles. The over flow of emotions is extreme when water combines with water.
b. Just wanting to drink with your friends.

Ace of Cups and Six of Cups
a. Having an overwhelming desire to be with your children
b. Meeting with a soul mate for the first time.

Ace of Cups and Knight of Pentacles
a. The love grows and swells. It is strong and enduring.
b. He plants the seeds of love with careful deliberation.
c. She decides that love must grow and flourish between them. It can last with careful attention to detail.

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