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Seven of Cups

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Unlock the Mysteries of the Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups Tarot Card

Lord of Illusionary Success

Season: Summer

Dates: November 13- November 22

Astrological Correspondence: Venus in Scorpio

Yes or No Question: Maybe

Seven of Cups

Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Seven of Cups

The clouds hold seven cups each full of different items. The number seven can represent many things on an esoteric level: seven ancient planets, seven interior stars (chakras), the seven seals and seven trumpets in Revelations, and so on. What can you find?

A shadow figure that resembles a man stands with his back towards us facing the cups. The fact that the cups are all in the sky, surrounded by puffy clouds suggest that all you know is up in the air, it’s in the sky, and it may very well be unobtainable.

One of the cups contains a castle, which gives way to the idiom, “Building castles in the sky”, which is exactly what the people in the Tower card did. They built their tower so high that it ended up crashing to the ground. The Tower and this cup are represented by Mars, the planet of war and aggression. The number 16 also reduces back to 7, so this is a perfect representation of the how the negative energies of the 7 of Cups can manifest.

The next cup is overflowing with jewels, which can represent hunting for that perfect treasure. This cup is represented by Jupiter because he is the king of all kings and the planet of luck, royalty and abundance. Jupiter is affiliated with the Wheel of Fortune, and there is a fortune in that cup.

The next cup has a laurel wreath and a skeleton face. Laurel wreaths represent victory because the ancient Greeks would crown the victory with a wreath of laurel leaves. This cup mimics the World card and the circular wreath that encompasses completion. Saturn is the planet the corresponds to the World card, but Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and The Devil is ruled by Capricorn. Saturn, the planet of limitation, can be used for good or for bad.

The fourth cup contains a dragon, which breathes fire like the sun. This brings us back to the Sun card and represents the solar energy. Solar energy can bring forth life and fresh vegetation, but it can also burn and destroy.

On the top shelf of the cloud, only three cups remain. In the center is a figure with a white cloth draped over him/her. She is represented by the High Priestess because she is holding the veil between this world and the astral world. This cup holds the Moon.

The snake to the right of the veiled woman symbolizes mercury and the Magician. This cup represents an ouroboros, which is a snake biting its own tail. And of course, the Magicians magical figure 8 reminding us that the universe is really a gigantic infinity sign swinging back and forth.

The last cup holds a beautiful woman’s face, which represents the Empress, Venus and beauty.

Overall esoteric meaning: the cups have multiple choices and some of them are not based in reality.

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Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups warns us not to give in to temptation, seduction, or addiction. These are temporary and not built on a solid foundation. The Rider-Waite version of these cards shows seven cups filled with different choices. The cups are floating in the clouds. The clouds represent illusion and the choices are our choices in everyday life. Are they built on reality or are we just “building castles in the sky?”

The Seven of Cups indicates being intoxicated with illusion, glamour, daydreams while building unrealistic goals. You may not even be able to see reality. This can also indicate drug addiction because when we are high, nothing is clear and nothing is real. Illusions are easily built.

The word “spirit” for alcohol is an old term because it was once thought that “spirits” entered people who drank. Dionysus and Bacchus were powerful Greek and Roman demi-gods/gods who were so powerful temples were built around them. Wine and beer were so beguiling that people truly thought, “Am I possessed whenever I drink?” or “Why does my wife turn into someone different? Is she possessed by an Incubus?”

The Seven of Cups can indicate having no direction because of too many choices. Perhaps you are sitting around daydreaming and not taking action toward a sustainable goal.

The Seven of Cups can indicate that your financial position might be built on false beliefs about money.

The Seven of Cups is similar to the Devil and the Moon.

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Seven of Cups in Love Readings

Understanding the Seven of Cups in Romance

In regard to love, the Seven of Cups suggests that you are daydreaming about something that isn’t there. This might be the “He’s just not that into you,” card. You’d rather be wrapped up in fantasy and illusion.

Another approach to the Seven of Cups in love can indicate that you are falling in love to fast. It can be an illusion when you do this. It isn’t built on anything solid and you have a feeling of “walking on air.” Love like this usually ends as quick as it starts.

Whether it’s a persona or lie they are feeding you, someone might be hiding something important from you. Take your time getting to know someone before taking the leap into a relationship.

Seven of Cups as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Seven of Cups

You are feeling in love with someone or something that is probably just a fantasy. It’s the feeling we get when we fall head-over-heals in love with someone, but we know nothing about this person.

You may also be feeling like you have too many choices and all of them look good. It’s like going into your favorite restaurant and not being able to decide between which meal to order, so you end up order two appetizers, one entree, order for your spouse so you can share with them and finish that off with a dessert. You order too much food and get to take it all home in a doggie bag for later.

Having too many choices can be dizzying in love. In a modern-world where we can swipe right or left in an instant, people haven’t been giving each other quality time to get to know one another. How much can you know about someone you meet blindly online only after 3 conversations? But in our fast-paced “whirlwind” romances, swipe right/left, no one really gets to know each other when another option (fantasy) might be available.

Being in a relationship is hard work, but trying to decide between more than two options isn’t viable in the real world.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the options, take the time to step back and review if you are giving each suitor the time they deserve.

Signifier or Personality Traits

The Archetype found in the Seven of Cups

Physical Representation of the Seven of Cups

from the Tarot Heaven Archetype Deck Coming Soon

On the Lighter Side

Highly adaptable traits emerge from the persona of the Seven of Cups. If this card comes up as your signifier or the signifier for the person in question, then they have a tremendous amount of internal power over their world. The ability to manifest anything they desire will turn their world into a lush, comfortable garden of items.

These items are the things western society gives value to like a mansion, fast cars, decadent food, luxury shoes and clothing. But nothing has any value unless value is placed upon it. Those designer threads that cost $1000 last the same as a similar dress that costs $100. The house that you always coveted takes up too much space, which starts to feel hollow and empty. It’s a lot to clean and maintain. Fast cars end up drawing in unwanted attention.

The Archetype that is embodied in the Seven of Cups is one of tests and trials. The cups aren’t purely illusionary, but tests, if the person is ready to accept such a task. One-by-one the items will be obtained, and one-by-one they prove to be useless. The value that was originally placed on such high-ticket items doesn’t bring the happiness or relief that was originally intended.

Now that the archetype has realized value is what we place upon it, they are ready for the next realization: They just manifested all of their dreams. What else can be manifested besides purely symbolic items of success?

This is for you, dear reader, to ponder and ask yourself.


The shadow side of the Seven of Cups (could be read as a reversed card)

As a person, the Seven of Cups indicates a ditzy person who lacks a solid foundation. The tests and trials that were given to the archetype were not fulfilled. Disappointment’s wide net is cast over the participant. They probably don’t even realize any tests were given. Cluelessly clueless. One gets the sense of detachment from the situations presented. A rather ambiguous place to be grounded in. “So unstable,” says another Spirit Guide.

But how does one become detached and ditzy? Constant drug use is a popular choice for losing control. A person might find themselves in their 20s doing some “light” binge drinking, but all that binge drinking is slowly killing the body from the inside out. The brain won’t function at optimal speed when the age of 40 rolls around. Any kind of drug use will alter the state of consciousness, downgrade it and control the person. It is not recommended on a spiritual level, but alas, the participant finds themselves at that crossroad.  

Detached behavior could be learned through the parents that raised the adult. Someone who just floats through life never attaching themselves to anyone or anything.

Luckily, the archetype of the Seven of Cups might go through a “dark night of the soul,” which is a test in itself. Aleister Crowley named the Seven of Cups debauch, which means to over indulge in something that strips you of your purity, but as water that flows down the tree of life, it only gets stronger as it grows.

You might get a sense that this person, even at their darkest hour, has the strength to be thrown to the wolves, only to come back leading the pack. This is the silver lining that the Seven of Cups represents on an esoteric level.

One technique that Naomi Ozaniec writes about in her book The Elemental Tarot Handbook, “Take the names of the Minor Arcana [debauch, power, worry, gain, dominion,]. Write down all the free associations that spring to mind.” (pg 19). This way you are using Tarot to build a story yourself and not just memorize keywords and phrases. It’s a holistic, esoteric approach to Tarot.


Seven of Cups as an External Factors

Someone might be planning a subterfuge plan to take a piece of power from you. Whether it’s career or in love, the Seven of Cups as an external factor indicates duplicity. Unlike the Seven of Swords, you enjoy the illusions.

Maybe it’s the whirlwind affair with a married man that hasn’t told you yet that he’s married. You could be search for clues, but still allow the affair to happen because you are in the earliest stages of what seem to be a honeymoon phase.

If it’s a career related question, then you are really just dangerously waging a financial effort with someone that doesn’t have your back. Look around at the illusions? Are you drinking too much? Is your mind not in the right place? Are you building things into something that it’s not?

Are you planning on getting sucked into a time-share that you think is a good idea? It isn’t. Are you planning on buying massive amounts of lottery ticket because a psychic or astrologer told you you’re lucky? Don’t. Does a “friend” whose business ideas always end up with someone getting hurt want you to be the angel investor? Back away.


The Seven of Cups Crossing Card

In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengtheing).  This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. 

Seven of Cups as an Obstacle

You might have an unexpected delay. This could be caused by someone not following through. You will have to take a step back and reassess the situation. Plans fall through and don’t materialize.

Whether it’s good friend, a stable family or a long-term relationship, you could come to the conclusion that there isn’t any substance in your life. These relationships or things aren’t fulfilling to your growth and development. The nebulous clouds your hopes are built upon are unstable. You are not able to see through the mess to the truth.

Seven of Cups as a Strength

If you are the absolute best at manifestation, then the Seven of Cups could help you build that idea or romance you’ve always wanted. Use your imagination to get what you want. The signifier or the archetype of the Seven of Cups is someone with great internal strength and control over their emotions and imagination. Use this image of a person to transfer into your own archetype and use it.

When the Seven of Cups comes up as a strength or crossing card in a reading, it can be read as a positive if the surrounding cards indicate a powerful dynamic. According to Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker in their book, “Numerology and the Divine Triangle,” they put the Seven of Cups numerologically as a 47/11. Eleven is a master number. When not in vibration with the number 11, it will reduce further to a number 2. No one can hold the vibration of any master number, so don’t be discouraged. Keep your faith even in the darkest of moments. You will preserver.

Seven of Cups as Advice

The Seven of Cups as advice is asking you to make a decision. Get your head out of the clouds and look at the situation for how it really is. Ask yourself some important questions about your boyfriend, colleague, wife or children. Are you seeing things as they really are or are you imagining them the way you want them to be? Don’t place your impression of people on them, allow them to show themselves to you.

If you are asking about love or romance, the advice could be asking you to get in touch with your inner 3rd decan of Scorpio energy. The Seven of Cups rules over the 3rd decan in esoteric tarot. This is a super charged placement with three planets Mars, Pluto and the Moon ruling it. You could tap into a very sexy and intriguing side of yourself for your partner.

Career Implications

The Seven of Cups in Professional Life

Seven of Cups in Career

The Seven of Cups as a career choice indicates an abundance of creative energy. You could be gifted with music, painting, writing, acting or dancing. It’s hard to decide which one you’ll choose.

Many talented performers like Mariah Carey star in small films roles, but she focuses on her music. She is multi-talented, but her choice to put her effort into music is a smart one.

While Taylor Swift is a talented songwriter, she doesn’t have a distinctive voice. She would be better off selling most of her songs to singers with mesmerizing voices. In the future, Swift will eventually become focused more on her songwriting and less on her performance because it would be a shame her songs weren’t sung by a more diverse group of voices.

Jennifer Lopez is another example of a Seven in Cups career disaster. While she can act and dance, her voice has left the public wondering how much of her voice is fabricated with backup vocals and autotune. She made a bad Seven of Cups career choice.

Seven of Cups Professions

Painter. Conductor. Orchestra. Plumber. Magician. Anais Nin and Henry Miller. Fiction Writer. Actress. Stripper. Sexual Temptation. Artist. Alchemist. Dancer.

Astrology and Tarot

Astrology: Seven of Cups rules Venus in Scorpio

Coming soon


Everyday Aspects of the Seven of Cups

Daily Life and Practical Matters

  • You’ll go to a costume party or a place where you have to dress in formal attire.
  • You’ll be invited or go to a spa weekend getaway or bachelor party.
  • Unexpected: Plans fall through.
  • Lounging around all day listening to music and over indulging.
  • Concerts, especially symphonies are possible.
  • Lucid dreaming

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Potential Outcomes for the Seven of Cups

What could be.....

The Seven of Cups Outcome in Love


Coming Soon

Seven of Cups Outcome

If you get the Seven of Cups as the outcome card in a love reading, you can be sure the querent is asking about an on-going, high-intensity romantic union that is occupying a lot of their time. Unfortunately, in the outcome position, this means that the querent (or yourself) will ultimately realize that the relationship is not as it seems.

Reversed Meaning

Seven of Cups Reversed

The Seven of Cups Reversed indicates an ending to the illusions. It corresponds directly to the emotional state of the Chariot: having control and direction. When the Seven of Cups is reversed you might experience an internal control button flip on. Suddenly things don’t seem as illusionary while you slowly start seeing through the fog.

In love, the Seven of Cups Reversed can signal unrequited romantic feelings. You might be building a romance up in your head only to find that your feelings aren’t reciprocated.

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Seven of Cups Tarot Card Combinations


Seven of Cups and Hierophant
a. Dreaming about marriage.

Seven of Cups and Lovers
a. Many choices regarding love.
b. Being swept up by love.

Seven of Cups and Moon
a. Madness.
b. Creativity fueled at night.

Seven of Cups and Seven of Wands
a. Worry over imagined reality.

Seven of Cups and Nine of Swords
a. Possible drug addiction and withdrawal.
b. Sleepless nights due to confusion over a decision or multiple choices.

Seven of Cups and Four of Pentacles
a. Protecting yourself against illusion.
b. Even though you have a lot to work on, you should keep consistent. This is the way to succeed.

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