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Unlock the Mysteries of The World

The World Tarot Card

The Great One of the Night of Time

Rules: Capricorn and Aquarius

Exaltation: Libra

Planet: Saturn

Gematria: Tav

Color: Blue-Violet, Indigo

Musical Note: A-Natural

Yes or No Question: Yes

Tarot Card World


The World Description and Symbolism

A woman dances in the air encircled within a laurel wreath. She is supposed to be androgynous representing the merging of male and female energies. There are red ribbons shaped like figure eights at the top and bottom of the wreath. These symbolize the everlasting circle of life. When one journey ends, another begins. In each hand, she holds one baton. A purple scarf gently cascades down her body making a loose spiral shape.

There are four corners outside of the laurel wreath that contain a man, an eagle, a bull and a lion. These are symbolic of the four elements. The lion is fire, the bull is earth, the man is air and the eagle is water. The lion represents the fire sign of Leo. The Bull is the earth sign of Taurus. The Man is the air sign of Aquarius. The eagle is out of place in an exoteric world, but he esoterically represents Scorpio who takes form as Scorpio, the fixed sign of water. All four zodiac signs are fixed signs. There are other interpretations of these four corners, but each is symbolic of a balance. It also reverberates back to the Wheel of Fortune.


The World Interpretation and Divination

The World signals the end of a life journey. You could be getting a degree, having a child leave home, getting married. These are all beginnings and endings, while signaling the end of one stage and the transition to another.

The World suggests that you might win an award or prize.

The World is a card of World Ambassadors and the U.N. “peace keeping” missions. The World advises that you send help and relief in the form of funds.

The World may mean that you graduate from any grade level at school.

The World signals the completion of a project.


The World in Love

If you are asking about a potential lover, the World card suggests that it will be over before it begins. The World in a marriage placement usually indicates that you will marry later in life.

The World card in an existing relationship denotes happiness, peace and inner completion. You and your partner are probably looking towards a new chapter in your relationship like having children, marriage or retirement.

You have probably picked a partner that makes you feel complete and whole. You are selective in who you partner up with. You seek a partner who will complement your background and accomplishments. They could possibly be older and already established. They are a good teacher. Both of you probably teach each other a lot.


The World as a Feeling

The World could mean that you (or whoever you are asking about) feels complete when they are around you. You make them feel calm.


The World as an Obstacle

The World as an obstacle can be taken the same as a reversal. As an obstacle, you have piled on too much work and cannot finish it all. You’ve over expanded yourself and need to reign things back in. It could be as serious as not graduating from school on time or something more mundane like having to many errands to run and not enough time in one day.

As an obstacle to love, The World indicates that you feel so drawn to your partner it becomes addicting and obsessive.

On the other hand, you could feel are always feeling unrequited love. This is due to your own mental images, probably formed as a child. You are the obstacle in your own romance. If you are asking about a potential lover, the obstacle could be that they reject you based on past lives or past interactions that are misinterpreted. Someone cannot see the full picture.


World as Advice

The World advises you to recognize an ending to something. It also tells you to be happy, content and complete within yourself and in your own world.


The World in Career

The World can infer that a person is a perfectionist when it comes to their job. They will rise quickly in their chosen field. They take their job very seriously and always try to be the best that they can be. They are highly professional. A negative aspect is that they are a workaholic and should make time for family and friends.


The World Professions

Teacher. Education Administration. Singer. UN Ambassador. King or Queen.


The World Reversed

The World reversed can suggest a delay in graduation. You may not graduate on time or with your class, but you will graduate.

The World Reversed can also suggest a stagnant period of your life where things aren’t going the way you planned. You may get bogged down with all the details and feel like quitting. You slowly drudge through things feeling the “weight of the world” on your shoulders.


World Tarot Card Combinations

World and Hanged Man
a. Something you will finish has been put on hold.
b. Something you thought was over has recently come to light as incomplete.
c. Needed insight comes from an outside source.

World and Tower
a. The end of something that was holding you back.

World and Judgement
a. Complete change. You will become someone else in the same body. Meaning, you will get to be two people or have two lives.

World and Two of Wands
a. Surveying your next big venture.
b. Discussing moving plans.

World and Ten of Swords
a. The end of a cycle. It’s the end. It’s over.

World and Ace of Pentacles
a. The ending of a friendship, while planting the seed of a new and strong romance.
b. The end of something that never could materialize beyond an idea or small physical effort.

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