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Eight of Pentacles

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Unlock the Mysteries of the Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card

Lord of Prudence

Season: Autumn

Dates: August 28-September 1

Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Virgo

Yes or No Question: No

Eight of Pentacles

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Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Eight of Pentacles

A man is pictured hammering away at eight pentacles. He has finished six coins and is working on the seventh one. The eighth pentacle lay waiting for him. His shirt is blue and the apron is distinctly tied into butterfly shapes. These represent thought and the power over the mind. There aren’t any clouds or color in the sky. This reminds us that he if focused on his goals and that nothing distracts him.

There is a village in the background, which suggests that his family and home are far from his mind.

Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is sometimes named the apprentice card because he is still learning and mastering his trade. The Eight of Pentacles can also be a card about internships that will lead to a higher paying job. The rewards can only be achieved through dedication and hard work.

The Eight of Pentacles could indicate that a big payout is imminent if you finish your job. The Eight of Pentacles is reminding us to stay focused.

The Eight of Pentacles indicates that you are concentrating on something specific right now. It may be a routine that you do over and over again. Any type of job that you do repetitively is suggested by the Eight of Pentacles.

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Eight of Pentacles in Love Readings

Understanding the Eight of Pentacles in Romance

In love, the Eight of Pentacles can mean a few things:

There are no other people in this picture, but the man working diligently on his craft. The home is far away and a great deal of distance separates him from his home. You may be spending too much time working and neglecting your home and family.

If you are single and can’t figure out why, maybe it is because you are spending too much time working to meet anyone new.

It can also indicate that he is thinking about you often. The infinity 8 means he is thinking about you over and over again, but is this a good thing? There is only one person in the picture. Or are you the person who is trying over and over again to get someone to love you. Are you thinking over and over again about someone who doesn’t respond back the same way? The Eight of Pentacles can indicate a slight fixation in a relationship that is one-sided. It can be a warning that one person is more invested to the relationship than the other. 

Eight of Pentacles as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles isn’t a feeling card, per sea. In general, when someone asks how a loved one or love interest feels about them, it can indicate that they aren’t feeling anything right now about you. They are generally consumed with work.

If you are asking about feelings in general, such as “how does she feel about the job proposal, how did they feel about the letter, how does he feel about ….etc..” then there is a repetitive thinking and feelings. It doesn’t indicate what or how they are feeling, but that they are intensely analyzing the situation over and over again.

Eight of Pentacles as an External Factors

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The Eight of Pentacles Crossing Card

In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengthening).  This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread.

Eight of Pentacles as an Obstacle

Eight of Pentacles as a Strength

Eight of Pentacles as Advice

If someone is making your life difficult, now is the time to cut ties with anyone who doesn’t serve your higher good. Don’t try and force an issue. This is not the right time to assert yourself. 

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations



Eight of Pentacles and Fool
a. Steadily working on a new project

Eight of Pentacles and Lovers
a. Contracts at work
b. Working with the one you love

Eight of Pentacles and Four of Wands
a. A bride working and planning her wedding, while her groom does no planing with

Eight of Pentacles and Page of Swords
a. Over thinking something way too much.

Eight of Pentacles and Four of Cups
a. Going to work instead of hanging out with friends.
b. Rejecting one job offer over another.

Eight of Pentacles and Seven of Pentacles
a. Exercising and waiting for the results, which are never instant.

Eight of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles
a. In a relationship context, this can indicate obsessive thinking that is heavily one-sided.

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