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Four of Cups

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Unlock the Mysteries of the Four of Cups

Four of Cups Tarot Card

Lord of Blended Pleasure

Season: Summer

Dates: July 12-July 22

Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Cancer

Yes or No Question: No

Four of Cups

Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Four of Cups

A lone man sits under a tree with his arms folded on his chest. There are three cups in front of him, but he closes his eyes to them. A hand is coming out through the cosmic clouds of wisdom with another golden goblet. This is the golden yod of God reaching out to give the man more. Hidden wisdom is available to him. Indeed, he seems in deep meditation over whether to take the cup or not.

The cups are symbolic gifts from God. The man might not even be aware of the 4th cup since the cup is emanating from the non-physical reality. That is the only world where a cup can materialize from a cloud suspended in the air. He is deeply connected to the world of feelings and finding a way to stabilize his emotions.

He seems very content and calm, but there could be deeper feelings. Is he frustrated he doesn’t see the 4th cup? Or is he actively avoiding the cup? Either way he is coming to terms with his feelings.

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Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Four of Cups

Four of Cups Interpretation and Divination

The Four of Cups often signals a refusal of some kind.

The Four of Cups can indicate someone making a hasty “no” decision without regard to thinking it through. The Four of Cups suggests that you should weigh all your options at this time.

On the other hand, the Four of Cups can indicate severe boredom and lack of interest that you will probably not regret. You could be on a date where you’d rather be doing almost anything else.

The Four of Cups suggests that you are depressed and perhaps too depressed to make good judgment calls. You may be missing good opportunities because you are so sad. This sadness maybe caused by outside forces that you have no control over.

The Four of Cups can indicate being so hung over that you can’t bear the sight of alcohol anymore. You are so hung over that you refuse drinking for some time. The sight and smell of alcohol makes you sick.

Four of Cups in Love Readings

Understanding the Four of Cups in Romance

If you are already in a relationship, it can signal apathy and boredom. The honeymoon period is over, which produces a sense of discomfort within the relationship. Things will have to change emotionally for the relationship to progress. You might want to take a small break from the intensity, so you can sort out your thoughts and emotions.

If you are asking about a potential love interest, rejection is most likely imminent.

Four of Cups as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Four of Cups

The Four of Cups is all about feelings. In the Four of Cups, we have a man rejecting an offer. This suggests feelings of apathy, discontentment, feeling tired and probably turned off by whatever is in that cup.

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Signifier or Personality Traits

The Archetype found in the Four of Cups

Physical Representation of the Four of Cups

Coming soon

Four of Cups as an External Factors

You’ve just rejected a very viable option. More likely that a viable option has rejected you or the querent.


The Four of Cups Crossing Card

In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengthening).  This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. 

Four of Cups as an Obstacle

The Four of Cups as an obstacle denotes emotional upheavals, depression and melancholia. You could be rejecting very good opportunities that you might not get again. Likewise, you could be rejecting a new beau who is good for you, but you can’t see through the cloud of sadness.

The Four of Cups as an obstacle denotes obsessions that are cyclical in nature. You could be obsessing over a former boyfriend or girlfriend. They probably don’t want you back, so you have to move on. You are refusing to move on from your past relationship. The cyclic Moon in Cancer element to the Four of Cups means that someone better will come along very soon.

Four of Cups as a Strength

The Four of Cups as an obstacle denotes emotional upheavals, depression and melancholia. You could be rejecting very good opportunities that you might not get again. Likewise, you could be rejecting a new beau who is good for you, but you can’t see through the cloud of sadness.

The Four of Cups as an obstacle denotes obsessions that are cyclical in nature. You could be obsessing over a former boyfriend or girlfriend. They probably don’t want you back, so you have to move on. You are refusing to move on from your past relationship. The cyclic Moon in Cancer element to the Four of Cups means that someone better will come along very soon.

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Four of Cups as Advice

The advice for the Four of Cups is to take the hand. Someone is offering you help in some way, yet you feel apathetic about it. You don’t want to accept, but need to accept help. This card can often come up for someone who doesn’t accept the cup, but ends up regretting it. It’s a sad position to get in love readings because the person really should have taken the stability of the fourth cup. It was written in the stars. The Moon in Cancer is in its natural position, so this is a “meant to be phase” that a lot of people miss. My advice is to take the hand. Ignore the man looking away from the outstretched hand. He’s a fool because that’s the hand of god. That is your destiny. If this is advice in love, it would be wise to go out on one more date, you never know what could happen.

Career Implications

The Four of Cups in Professional Life

Four of Cups in Career

When you are asking about your career, the Four of Cups means you are likely rejecting very good offers. You might not even be aware of how many job opportunities are you letting slip by you. While some future employers might text or e-mail, many make telephone calls. Maybe you don’t pick up phone calls and insist on only texting, thus losing out on the jobs.

If you are already working, but wish to work somewhere else, you should find a new job. Don’t quit your current job before finding a new one. The Four of Cups denotes feeling extremely unhappy and uninspired at work. A career or job that fulfills you is the best job to have.

Four of Cups Professions

Bartender. Waiter. Alcoholic Counselor. Social Worker. Nursing. Any job that is in service to others. Handicap Advocate or Lawyer for the disadvantaged.

Astrology and Tarot

Astrology: Four of Cups rules Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer brings in a sense of moodiness and despondency that is needed. The Moon rules Cancer and is in its natural home in the Four of Cups, this means that the moon needs it’s time to make its cyclic journey. Emotions can be up and down and with that comes melancholy. Maybe there was too much of a good thing in the Three of Cups, so in the Four of Cups we need to have a time out to reflect on what is passing. Give yourself sometime to relax, meditate and reject those things which do not serve you anymore. It’s okay to go New Moon and disappear for a few days and like all things cyclic this one is only temporary.


Everyday Aspects of the Four of Cups

Daily Life and Practical Matters

  • Feeling sick or hungover.
  • Going on a drastic liquid diet.
  • Stop ignoring your friends. You have many.
  • Anxiety is being pushed down with meditation, a retreat or possibly medication
  • You’ll receive a DM or E-mail from someone who can’t be ignored.
  • Things that don’t emotionally fulfill you will be thrown out.
  • You’ll go shopping for new dishes: plates, cups, bowls.
  • Missing dishes, plates, cups or household objects. 

Potential Outcomes for the Four of Cups

What could be.....

The Four of Cups Outcome in Love


The Four of Cups as an outcome in a love reading means either you or your partner will become bored, dissatisfied or distant. There are good tarot cards in love and bad tarot cards in love. The Four of Cups is a bad one. It never denotes a happy ending or mutual love between two people, so when it comes up as the outcome in a love question the answer is, “No, not happening.”

Four of Cups Outcome

When the Four of Cups comes up as the outcome in a general reading it indicates that while the querent has a fulfilling material life, there’s a sense of longing for an emotional connection.

Perhaps the person thought money could fill a void, so they went on shopping sprees that filled them up temporarily. Most people know that feeling when we go shopping and have pretty, new things. Those things usually don’t give us a lasting “high.”

Things in life that give us real satisfaction always come from good friends, supportive family and emotional completion.

To conclude, the Four of Cups as an outcome is almost always dissatisfaction. To find completion, the querent needs to look within themselves. As an outcome, it could denote that the querent is not flowing properly. They are looking in all the wrong places for the answers. The literal hand of God is reaching out to a person whose eyes are closed!  

Esoteric Insights

Deep Dive: Four of Cups

Esoterically, the Suit of Cups and the Suit of Earth exist on the material plane more than the Suits of Fire and Air. When we go down the Tree of Life, both the Four of Cups and the Four of Pentacles lack emotional support. It’s only until we get to the 9s and 10s that we see actual emotional attainment and completion.

The 4s in Tarot often seem like they offer some kind of “completion,” but they come right before the 5s, which always bring ruin, defeat and worry. There is more mental acuity for air and fire, which is why the Four of Wands is welcoming and the Four of Swords is a resting period. There is stability in the number 4, but the querent needs to understand that completion should be sought on all levels of existence.

Reversed Meaning

Four of Cups Reversed

When the Four of Cups Reverses itself, you may be getting your life back on track. You may be thinking about meeting new people because the old ones bore you. You may be coming out of a period of boredom and stagnation.

The Four of Cups Reversed can signify deeply psychic feelings that border on illusions. There could be a thin veil between the spirit world when you are lost in deep meditation and rituals. A lack of grounding is indicated.

Four of Cups Tarot Card Combinations


Four of Cups and High Priestess
a. Feeling pitiful and sad and writing about it.
b. Feeling rejected alone.
c. Feeling different, eccentric, unique and alone.
d. Feeling misunderstood.

Four of Cups and Moon
a. Refusing to get caught up in the illusion of their relationship.

Four of Cups and Seven of Wands
a. Refusing to fight.

Four of Cups and Four of Swords
a. Taking a relationship break. It does not indicate it’s over, but that a time-out is needed.

Four of Cups and Nine of Swords
a. Saying, “no more” to that nightmare.
b. Mental illness.
c. Consumed with negative thoughts.

Four of Cups and Ace of Cups
a. Rejection of the heart.

Four of Cups and Two of Cups
a. Being bored with the romantic bond.

Four of Cups and Nine of Cups
a. It feels so good to say, “no.”

Four of Cups and Knight of Cups
a. No segg for you right now.
b. I’m not interested in love right now.
c. He’s not interested in another sexual conquest.

Four of Cups and Two of Pentacles
a. Adults refusing to mingle at a children’s party. Lots of balloon animals being made.

Four of Cups and the Six of Pentacles
a. You ask for money, but s/he refuses.

Four of Cups and Page of Pentacles
a. Feeling apathetic, bored and rejecting the weak financial offer.

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