Tarot cards contain ancient symbolism and archetypes that can be used to activate your subconsious mind and the collective unconscious.

In my personal experience with Tarot, I’ve found that the future is fluid. It’s not static. It changes as we make decisions that sway us in a different direction than what was previously expected. So tarot cards can not possibly be able to tell you exactly what your future holds. You are in control. What tarot can do is help you delve deep into your own subconscious and connect with the collective unconscious. This way you can find answers within yourself.

We often hand power to people who have no business holding your personal power. You are your best judge. Every single person on earth has a spirit guide, a guardian angel and a higher self. When we seek answers from tarot, we ask our angels (or higher self) for those answers to best assist us on following the right path toward better self-development.

If you want to divine your future, you’ll need to ask God. No one but God has the ability to be all-knowing. Legally, we are bound to state that, “Tarot is for entertainment purposes only.” No one has the precise ability to tell you how your own personal life path will unfold. You have free-will.

Don’t allow a tarot reader to fool you into believing they are psychic and all-knowing. Some of us are born with more intuition than others. Many other people have experienced accurate revelations while in meditative states, which is a form of psychism. Psychism does exist, but it is a gift you should use to guide your own life. No one knows exactly every single possible outcome or future events at all times. Remember, there is a fine line between a psychic and psycho. If anyone tells you that they are super psychic, they are either lying, delusional or crazy. There are many people locked in mental hospitals who claim to be able to divine the future. It is not without the possible realm of possibilities for a Boddishatava to reincarnate back to earth and be able to predict your future spouse, but if they are truly a reincarnated higher being, why would they waste their time describing to you your next love affair or how a work place drama might unfold?

Tarot Heaven was written at a time when I used tarot to help me better understand myself. The images prompted my own inutition and the answers that I sought. I continue to use tarot in this manner. I hope that it helps you learn the meanings of each card, so you can better understand your journey through life.

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