Unlock the Mysteries of the Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card

Lord of the Root of Powers of Earth

Season: Autumn

Dates: Autumn Equinox

Astrological Correspondence: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Yes or No Question: Yes

Numerology: 69/6

Ace of Pentacles

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Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Ace of Pentacles

A hand devoid of color stretches out of a cloud holding a golden coin with a star in the middle. The completely white hand represents a blank slate.  Below is a small field with long flowers blowing in the breeze. It looks peaceful, tranquil and well groomed.

There is a path leading through a green, arched door way. The fence is completely made from greenery and vegetation. It beckons us to go through the door. It is a fertile opening.

There are mountains peering behind the arched doorway entrance. Mountains are stable, grounded, and solid. They don’t change suddenly. They provide the security of a slowly evolving Earth. Mountains in tarot represent the mathematical components of life that make up the fractal universe. Even though a mountain looks cold and stark, it’s snowy peaks melt in the spring bringing fresh water that nourish and help sustain the flourishing garden. Both the mountains and the garden symbolize that all we want in life, we can manifest given the right formula. Perhaps we can really “move mountains.”

Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Ace of Pentacles

All aces represent the potential in the suit that they are in. The Ace of Pentacles represents the potential to have money, to be in a physically appealing love affair, or to have very good health.

The Ace of Pentacles is one of the more favorable cards. If you are looking for a job then this card says, “Yes!”  The Ace of Pentacles can be very grounded in practicality. A simple, no-nonsense approach is sometimes best.

The Ace of Pentacles can predict conception and the start of pregnancy.

The Ace of Pentacles can predict good news of any kind coming your way such as an inheritance or a bonus check at work.

Ace of Pentacles in Health

 The Ace of Pentacles says that if you are sick, you will get better. It indicates that good health and renewed mental security are abundant. You may also be very fertile and have great hair. The Ace of Pentacles suggests that you take good care of yourself. Drink fresh water daily and take vitamins to boost your already healthy diet. 


Ace of Pentacles in Love Readings

Understanding the Ace of Pentacles in Romance

The Ace of Pentacles can be a sexual card which tells of the possibility of a grounded romance. The Ace of Pentacle may also say, “Yes, your lover/interest/partner really wants to be physical with you.” You both are hardworking. You may even like luxury items and want your partner to have similar tastes in style and socioeconomic status.

If you are asking about a new budding relationship that hasn’t taken off yet, the Ace of Pentacles only tells of the potential of a new relationship. But it’s good news, unlike the Ace of Cups, which often shows unrequited love, the Ace of Pentacles is interesting in building mutually physical relationships, not something like the one-way situation the Ace of Cups portends. Though, 4 Aces in a reading means new beginnings all around!

Ace of Pentacles as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Ace of Pentacles

You are feeling content and happy. If you are asking, “How does my love interest feel about me?” then they feel happy, calm and content. There is something grounded and real inside of them that makes them feel like you could be the one. But since this is an Ace, which holds the vibrations of the number 1, it is not yet seen whether or not it will materialize into a solid relationship.

Signifier or Personality Traits

The Archetype found in the Ace of Pentacles

Vesta Goddess of the Eternal Flame

Ace of Pentacles as the Earth Maiden Goddess

Coming soon. 

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Ace of Pentacles as an External Factors

The Ace of Pentacles as an external factor could be a bank loan getting approved, a relative coming up with an inheritance or gift or a needed friend that you can lean on for support.

In a romantic context, the Ace of Pentacles can predict a wedding gift. The person you are dating could ask for your hand in marriage.

If you are single and looking for love, the Ace of Pentacles as an external factor indicates someone new coming into your life via an outside influence such as a friend or relative setting you up on a date with someone new.



The Ace of Pentacles Crossing Card

In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengtheing).  This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread. 

Ace of Pentacles as an Obstacle

The Ace of Pentacles as an obstacle indicates trouble starting something new. If you are asking about a love relationship, then the relationship is having trouble getting off the ground.

If you are asking about finances or career, there might be a lack of access to money or career resources.

Constipation, blocked tunnels and caves are associated with the Ace of Pentacles as an obstacle.

Ace of Pentacles as a Strength

Ace of Pentacles as Advice

The Ace of Pentacles as advice is telling you to invest in something you feel is worthwhile. This isn’t the time for indiscriminate shopping. This is the time to take your pennies and put them into something that you know will grow. You can even grow an idea. If you have a fabulous idea, then now is the time to nurture it. Don’t squander it by talking to everyone about it. When you are in the beginning stages of manifestation, the sages ask you to keep quiet. Don’t expend energy talking, when can expend energy doing.

Career Implications

The Ace of Pentacles in Professional Life

Ace of Pentacles in Career

If you are going into a business then it has the potential to prosper. The Ace of Pentacles is giving you the green light to go. You have the power to make money and find a new job. You could even boost your sales to new levels. You have the drive and determination at this time to do that.

Ace of Pentacles Professions

Gardner. Heiress. Banking. Accountant. Book keeper. 

Astrology and Tarot

Astrology: Ace of Pentacles rules Cardinal Earth



Everyday Aspects of the Ace of Pentacles

Daily Life and Practical Matters

  • You might get an unexpected package, letter or phone call soon.
  • Someone who can be of service to you will arrive soon.
  • The job you’ve been waiting to hear from finally came through.
  • You could be temporarily separated from your mate or business partner today.
  • Drinking too much can lead to health issues. Be careful that you don’t drink too much wine.
  • You’ll spend time with your pets or interact with animals.

Potential Outcomes for the Ace of Pentacles

What could be.....

The Ace of Pentacles Outcome in Love


The one you’ve had your eyes on someone special they will let you know they feel the same way. This could come as a surprise because the Ace of Pentacles is a more
head-before-heart card.

If you are in an existing relationship, your partner (or you) might have a hard time expressing their emotions (Ace of Pentacles represents all the Earth Signs). Try to warm up the relationships with good conversations or games to activate emotional warmth.

Ace of Pentacles Outcome

You might need to scratch those old plans that weren’t working and start over again. They weren’t working because you didn’t have enough experience, knowledge or connections. A new financial opportunity is coming your way and you will prosper.

Reversed Meaning

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

You may be having problems with money. Inheritances are lost or thwarted.

On the flip side, you could be so consumed with money that you completely ignore any spiritual aspirations.

Ideas for advanced tarot readings

Tarot Combinations

Ace of Pentacles and Empress
a. New mother.
b. Conception of a new baby.

Ace of Pentacles and Four of Wands
a. Spending a lot of money at the party.

Ace of Pentacles and Four of Swords
a. Rest from a surgery. You will heal quickly. Meditation.

Ace of Pentacles and Two of Cups
a. A very sexual union between two people. Very fertile and materialistic.
b. The start of a long friendship.
c. Official business union or partnership.

Ace of Pentacles and Four of Cups
a. Refusing the money.

Ace of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles
a. You are super rich. Lucky you.