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Description and Symbolism
Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Eight of Wands
The only card in the entire arcana that does not depict a human or a body part of a human is the Eight of Wands. It is a simple card with just eight wands flying through a clear blue sky. They look as if they are in rapid action, racing against the wind and across the small rolls and valleys of the earth below.
They have been set to hit a specific target and nothing can stop their goal. Due to the laws of gravity, they are going to have to stop somewhere.
Notice that the wands are heading east, toward the rising sun. The wand at the bottom is touching the earth. This indicates a blending of earth, air, water and fire. As above, so below.
Interpretation and Divination
The Essence of the Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands is a card of action! A sudden burst of energy is going to emerge in the form of your solution. Everything will suddenly be clear. This sudden burst is what will propel us forward. It’s in your best interest to take action. Hold nothing back.
We need this lightening rod effect to gain something important and meaningful. Jump in. Feel it. Live it. Let it guide you.
The Eight of Wands also suggests marathon, relay races, baton twirling, or any new exercise routines that get your blood pumping. There is a commitment to reach targeted health goals. Now is an excellent time to get in shape!
The Eight of Wands is a “supporting actress” card. It highlights and intensifies whatever is around it. If you are unsure about what action the Eight of Wands foretells, look to the cards around it.
The Eight of Wands is one of the travel cards. You might be traveling somewhere via airplane. Look for cards like the Six of Swords or Knight of Wands to confirm this.
The Eight of Wands can predict moving into a new home. Look for the Two of Wands to support this.
Eight of Wands in Love Readings
Understanding the Eight of Wands in Romance
Love is “in the air” so to speak and things have been set up to hit their mark. You might be bursting at the seams with love for someone. You want to shout it out loud and proclaim your love and infatuation! You won’t be thinking when you blurt out, “I love you” to your new beau. You may not want to wait or think it through when it comes to your new romance.
The Eight of Wands signals swift romances and being swept off your feet. Look for the Knight of Cups to confirm romantic interludes and bubbling passion.
Eight of Wands as Feelings
Emotional Insights of the Eight of Wands
You may feel very intensely about someone or something. There is a real need to follow up with action.
The Eight of Wands Crossing Card
In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengtheing). This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread.
Eight of Wands as an Obstacle
When the Eight of Wands falls as an obstacle, it might be suggesting that you are shooting too many arrows at once. You might have too much going on and not enough time in the day to finish them all. Make sure you are creating worthwhile goals and don’t spread yourself too thin.
Eight of Wands as a Strength
Eight of Wands as Advice
Do it. Go for it. The Eight of Wands is already poised to hit its target, so continue on the path you are going down. If you want to send your boyfriend a text message professing your feelings, do this. On the other hand, if you want to break up with your girlfriend, do this. Whatever it is that you feel you need to do, go ahead and continue with the plans to finish it.
The Eight of Wands can also indicate physical activity. Marathon running and brisk walking. As advice for a healthy body, the Eight of Wands indicates that you should train hard for the marathon or hit the gym and follow through with your goals.
Career Implications
The Eight of Wands in Professional Life
Eight of Wands in Career
Eight of Wands Professions
Pilot. Postman. Computer Programmer. Web Designer. Multi-Tasker. Archer. Exercise Instructor. Baton Twirler.
Everyday Aspects of the Eight of Wands
Daily Life and Practical Matters
- The Eight of Wands represents computers and technology because they move quickly. Look for important messages in your inbox.
- Texting is the new rapid form of communication. Look for new text messages that could bring fruition to a situation.
- It can indicate playing darts, billiards or archery.
Potential Outcomes for the Eight of Wands
What could be.....
The Eight of Wands Outcome in Love
When the Eight of Wands is in the outcome position in a love reading, it means that love is going to happen before you have time to realize what is happening.
Have you been asking the universe to send you the right person? Your intentions were heard because something is going to happen quickly and soon. A whirlwind romance is on the horizon.
Are you asking about a current relationship? The Eight of Wands in the outcome position means that your relationship will deepen.
Eight of Wands Outcome
When the Eight of Wands is in the outcome position, it means that you will achieve your goal. You’ve set a goal and it’s in motion. Your pursuits are approaching a final culmination. The fruits of your intentions and labor are moments.
If things have been stagnate, the Eight of Wands in the outcome position, foretells a period of resolution and final settlements.
Reversed Meaning
Eight of Wands Reversed
If the Eight of Wands is reversed there is a delay in action. Things don’t seem to be coming, but should. Someone is holding back, but really wants to message or contact you. There could be an unnatural feeling of things not running the way they should. There is a lack of accuracy.
The Eight of Wands Reversed can denote haste. You may have been careless with a project and not met your mark.
When the Eight of Wands Reverse comes up in a love reading, you may fall out of love with a person that you rushed into a relationship with. There could be an immediate end to a relationship. The Eight of Wands reversed could also indicate the end of short and sweet summer romances.
Eight of Wands Tarot Card Combinations
Eight of Wands and the Fool
a. Skydiving.
Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune
a. A quick turn of events.
Eight of Wands and Two of Wands
a. Moving.
Eight of Wands and Two of Swords
a. Rearrangement of plans. Plans almost delayed because of miscommunication.
Eight of Wands and Three of Swords
a. A sudden realization that brings you heartache.
Eight of Wands and Six of Swords
a. Taking a trip. Possibly a boat trip. It maybe spontaneous travel plans.
Eight of Wands and Four of Cups
a. “I’m ignoring all your text messages. There are way too many!”
Eight of Wands and Seven of Cups
a. A million things to do without finishing one of them.
b. Making a list, checking it twice. Daydreaming about finishing them all.
Eight of Wands and Knight of Cups
a. Romance happening very quickly. Falling in love rapidly.
b. He loves to write you love letters and text you all day.
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