Unlock the Mysteries of the Six of Swords

Six of Swords Tarot Card

Lord of Earned Success

Season: Winter

Dates: January 30- February 8

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Aquarius

Yes or No Question: No

Numerology: 60/6

Six of Swords

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Description and Symbolism

Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Six of Swords

Six of Swords Description and Symbolism

Upon a still gray winter sky, a woman with a child are ferried in a boat rowed by a strong man. To the northwest the waters are calm, smooth and resemble glass. Next to them in the southeast a small portion of turbulent water sits beside them. There are six swords in the boat in front of them perhaps symbolizing that the issues you are trying to escape are still in front of you. The woman looks down refusing to see the swords. They still have not reached the other side, so their problems have not completely cleared.

Interpretation and Divination

The Essence of the Six of Swords

When the Six of Swords comes up in a reading it can indicate that sometimes the best way to end an emotional situation is to move away from it. Times may have been emotional and rough, but you are slowly finding your way out of a difficult situation, to calmer waters, where you are less emotional and more logical. Perhaps a friend can row you in the right direction. Though, you may have to do this on your own.

The Six of Swords can indicate a catalyst for change. It can indicate that you have met someone that is about to cause profound change.

You may even be trying to run away from your problems. But the turbulent water beside the woman and child, plus the six swords stuck in the boat indicate that you can’t really run away from your problems without solving them first. The Six of Swords can indicate that you really need to look at the problem head on and fix it from the root. Do not try to mask your problems with something else.

On rare occasions, the Six of Swords can also indicate death and funerals. This is because Mercury is the Greek God that carried the souls of the dead back and forth from the earth to the underworld. He was borrowed by the Romans and renamed Hermes.

Six of Swords in Love Readings

Understanding the Six of Swords in Romance

The Six of Swords in romance and love may indicate that……..


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Six of Swords as Feelings

Emotional Insights of the Six of Swords

If you are asking how a love interest feels about you, then they probably feel like running away from you. They most likely aren’t interested in you. They (or you) feel weighted down and heavy with thoughts and emotions.

Signifier or Personality Traits

The Archetype found in the Six of Swords

The Six of Swords as a signifier is someone mercurial, broody, and melancholy, but at the same time aloof and distant. Someone who is consistently dissatisfied and always looking beyond when they should be looking in. Chasing the root cause of nothingness to obtain something that doesn’t exist. Never living in the moment.

Imagine a broody, melancholy person with soft, tousled brown hair that falls haphazardly across their face. They are always waiting a little too long to get a haircut. Until their hair is licking around the face, it’s object permanence. “Where did the time go?”

But it isn’t their fault. Time skips a beat in their world. It goes from here to there. Like an airplane, they travel so fast you’re across the world in a moment.

But they run. Always running and projecting their sadness and sorrow on someone else.

They once had a love, perhaps a wife, husband or good friend, that they will forever idealize. Know that this idealization isn’t worth it. Compartmentalize and move on they think. They can always tell you, “The greatest love of my life was Vanessa,” but they don’t mean it. Just a mercurial thought.

Jobs that this person maintains would all have to move quickly. Sales, etc.

Six of Swords as Advice

The Six of Swords advises you to leave what isn’t working for something new. You may have fear because it is scary when you leave something familiar for something unfamiliar. Many people get stuck in relationships, jobs, cities or mindsets that are comfortable, but make them miserable. If something is making you miserable, don’t settle for it. The Six of Swords is telling you that your “dark knight” of the soul is coming to a close. This means that what lies before you is the breaking dawn of a new path. Even if it is hard, trust the moral obligation your soul has made with itself and our world. Don’t stay in a dead in job or a relationship you’re not happy with. You have a duty to follow what you love. It will be scary. It will be hard. You will wonder if you’ve made the right decision. Know that if you follow your soul’s quest, you will always have made the right decision.

Everyday Aspects of six of Swords

Daily Life and Practical Matters

  • The Six of Swords signals boat trips. You maybe taking a trip or a vacation.

    In my experience, this is the number one card to signal a vacation.


Career Implications

The Six of Swords in Professional Life

Six of Swords in Career

When the Six of Swords comes up in a career reading you could be traveling for work or working overseas as an expat, immigrant or foreigner (usually for a short duration). The Six of Swords is an air card ruled by Mercury, so it’s fast and swift. There will be many opportunities for working abroad that come and go quickly.

If the Six of Swords is combined with the Four of Swords, you could be slowing down at work and taking a needed vacation.

Six of Swords Professions

Ferry Captain. Boater. Escape Artist. Crew Team Member. Rower. Airline Stewardess. Travel Agent.

Potential Outcomes for the Six of Swords

What could be.....

The Six of Swords Outcome in Love


When the Six of Swords comes up in a love reading as the outcome card, it means that they can never fulfill you emotionally. What looks like it is working (or could work) won’t in the long run.

Six of Swords Outcome

When the Six of Swords presents itself in the outcome position of a tarot reading, it generally means that you will be leaving it behind. “It” referring to the question you asked. If you’ve asked about a job, you’ll be leaving your old job for a new job.

Reversed Meaning

Six of Swords Reversed

The Six of Swords Reversed can indicate travel delays and postponements.

Six of Swords Tarot Card Combinations

Six of Swords and Judgement 
a. Returning to something that is emotionally tiring that you had previously tried to walk away from.
b. A karmic catalyst for change.

Six of Swords and Three of Wands
a. Cruise vacation.

Six of Swords and Knight of Wands
a. Traveling to an exotic, foreign destination.

Six of Swords and Three of Swords
a. A vacation is a good place for your heart to heal.

Six of Swords and Five of Swords
a. Moving away from a fight or situation where no one wins.

Six of Swords and Knight of Swords
a. Rapid retreat.
b. Someone trying to leave, while someone else tries to advance.

Six of Swords and Four of Cups
a. Mentally leaving a situation behind that you don’t want anyway.

Six of Swords and Five of Cups 
a. Breaking up is hard to do.

Six of Swords and Page of Cups
a. Vacation to the mountain lake house.
b. Puppy love helps you recover from an emotional situation.

Six of Swords and Three of Pentacles
a. Walking away from an offer.

Six of Swords and Knight of Pentacles 
a. Vacation in the mountains