Suit of Swords
- Swords are associated with the element Air. Air is hot and wet.
- The qualities of Air energy are movement, piercing, infiltration, and dispersion. It is volatile and pervasive. It is associated with masculine energy and self-consciousness.
- Air’s polar opposite is the element Earth.
- Swords bear a duality, they can protect and serve or severe and wound. They are fast moving and enjoy talking, conversation and intellectual discourse. When you get a sword in a reading, you might look for conflict, resolutions and pain.
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Ace of Swords
Keywords: Mental stimulation, Clairvoyance, Business activities, Business Proposal, Book Proposal, Writing, Researching, Free Will, New Ideas, Intuition, Triumph, Conquest, Endurance, Force, Battle, Victory through Mental activities, Chess Master, Master Manipulator. Engagement. A Romantic Proposal. Justice. Newness.
Reversed Keywords: Divorce. Misery. Pain. Double edged sword. Cuts both ways. Mental confusion. Manipulation.
Two of Swords
Keywords: No. Stalemate. I won’t. I close both my eyes and heart. I close both my feelings and thoughts. I won’t look at it. I’m ignoring it.
Reversed Keywords: Mediation. Dropping your swords. Letting go. Going inward. Seeking truth. Coming to a Conclusion.
Three of Swords
Keywords: Sorrow. Pain. Words can hurt. “I don’t love you.” Dreadful. Heart breaking. Conflict within a group. Division. Rejection. Breaking up. Discovering an unsavory truth. Realizing things are not as they seem. Mental anguish. Divorce.
Reversed Keywords: Hurt not draining. Unable to heal from mental wounds. Letting go of past hurts.
Four of Swords
Keywords: Contemplation. Relaxation. Meditation. Resting. Tomb. Battle weary. Tired. Worn out. Recuperating. Hospital. Near death. Astral experiences. Recovery. Prayer. Recuperate from an operation. Recovering from surgery. Relationship time out.
Reversed Keywords: Unrest. Unable to heal. Delays. Holding back. Over sleeping. Being late.
Five of Swords
Keywords: Defeat. Surrender. Theft. Criminal behavior. Mugging. Kidnapping. Bondage. Conquest without mercy. Treachery. Deception. Loss. Battles without victory. No victor. No winner. Unethical. Immoral. Sociopath.
Six of Swords
Keywords: Passage. Taking a trip. Vacation. Travel. Safe Passage. A trip over seas. A trip in general. Getting away from an emotional situation. Leaving a situation for a new one.
Reversed Keywords: Unfavorable lawsuit. Travel delays.
Seven of Swords
Keywords: Thief. Con-artist. Trickster. Trouble with Carnies. Unhanded behavior. Secret love affair. Heartbreaker. Cunning.
Reversed Keywords: Frustrations. Mental disharmony.
Eight of Swords
Keywords: Censorship. Indecision. Trapped. Obstacles. Doubt. Confusion. Imprisonment. Conflict. Bondage. Ill health. Crisis. Emotional trials. Scandal. Shame. Prison. Hypochondria. Psychosomatic disease. Sickness from thoughts manifesting into the physical. Freeing yourself of unhealthy temptations.
Reversed Keywords: Insight. Letting go. Knowledge. Wisdom. Mental clarity. Mind over matter.
Nine of Swords
Keywords: Nightmares. Desolation. Despair. Weeping. Grief. Inconsolable. Night terrors. Emotional upheaval. Depression. Clinical Depression.
Reversed Keywords: Awakening from a nightmare.
Ten of Swords
Keywords: Abandonment. Pain. Loss. Death of a situation. Earthly loss. Backstabbing. Overkill. Back Pain. Chiropractic care. Shiatsu. Needles. Physical Death. Betrayal.
Page of Swords
Keywords: Written messages. Communications. Spying. Data. Information. Words. Ideas. Puzzles. Secrets. Caution.
Reversed Keywords: Mental games. Unethical games. Spite. Mean. Pettiness. Backstabbing. Gossip. Slander. Libel. Manipulation.
Knight of Swords
Keywords: Quick. Moving fast. Impatience. Fearless. Brave. Daring. Adventure. Courage. Swift minded. Intellectually sound. Law student. Lawyer.
Reversed Keywords: Immaturity. Death. Destruction. War. Deceit. Arrogance. Cocky. Decisive. Fearless to a fault. Insensitive. Sociopath. Only out for himself. Lawsuits.
Queen of Swords
Keywords: Single woman. Widowed. Sharp. Intellectual. Truth. Swift. Business acumen. Justice. Sorrow. Distant. Aloof. Divorce.
Reversed Keywords: Vindictive. Mean. Sociopathic. Very bad woman. Cold. Arrogant. Wicked. Manipulative. Bitter.
King of Swords
Keywords: Maturity. Logic. Resolve. Mental clarity. Judge. Lawyer. Ideas. Cold. Aloof. Distant. Reserved. Ideals. Success. Unemotional.
Reversed Keywords: Arrogant. Spiteful. Evil. Cruel. Torture.