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Description and Symbolism
Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Three of Cups
Three women gather outside to celebrate, dance and enjoy the abundance of autumn’s cornucopia of earthy pumpkins and ripe grapes. Grapes in tarot symbolize riches and large quantities. Think about how lush and fertile a vineyard looks. To start a vineyard, you must have patience and money saved. It takes years to ferment the grapes into wine. I know a couple who wanted to start a vineyard. He was a doctor and she was his beautiful wife. She wanted to ride horses all day, but when she got tired of that she decided to buy a vineyard. They planted and bought the crops, but had to wait a few years to actually sell their own grapes. Meanwhile, they were selling a wine that comes from the vineyard where they bought their crops. They had to have the money, land and resources to start the vineyard. Owning a vineyard is not just symbolic of wealth, you have to be rich into order to have one!
The three women wear white, yellow and red dresses. White indicates purity and innocence, yellow is intelligence, and red is desire. The wine probably brings out a playful banter between the women.
The harvest around them indicates some kind of apex or culmination. This could be an equinox, graduation, birthday party, or baby shower.
Interpretation and Divination
The Essence of the Three of Cups
The Three of Cups is the surest sign of a celebration. It can mark any big event such as baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries, equinox and solstice celebrations, Christmas and Easter holidays.
You might be going out dancing with friends for a night on the town. It could be a late-night thing at the night club or a house party. Everything around you will be bountiful and fun!
The Three of Cups doesn’t have to be the biggest party or even a party. It is also about friends hanging out together whether it be the movies, shopping or restaurants. Emotional and social bonds are strengthened.
Three of Cups in Love Readings
Understanding the Three of Cups in Romance
The woman in the Nine of Pentacles knows that love comes within yourself and all around you. She understands the difference between object-oriented love (commonly called lust) and true love for everything around her. She loves her garden, her body, her bird and the snail. She understands them all and is filled with compassion for everything around her. She is in touch with the natural world. She is radiating from a place of love. This is the way she can attract people that will truly love her, for her.
The Nine of Pentacles suggests that you or someone you know is a woman that doesn’t need a man to fulfill any sense of self. This card bodes well for retired women as well as divorced women who would rather keep their relationships out of their house. For instance, the Nine of Pentacles could denote a woman whose children are grown and who now lives alone. She may date occasionally, but is not looking for a man to co-habitat with. After years of children and husband dependency, she is living an independent, self-sufficient lifestyle.
Three of Cups as Feelings
Emotional Insights of the Three of Cups
If you are asking about how someone feels towards you, then they feel a great friendly vibe from you. This is the friendzone card.
If they are your feelings, you will be feeling joyous, happy and celebratory.
The Three of Cups Crossing Card
In the traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread, often the card you place over the Situation Card will reveal whether the crux of the situation is an obstacle (hindering) or helping (strengtheing). This placement is the second card drawn in a traditional Celtic Cross Tarot Spread.
Three of Cups as an Obstacle
There could be some addictions to drinking or drugs that is blocking a union or opportunity. You might want to sober up or help someone else sober up.
You might not be very focused on work and this could lead to a job loss. Your job could be very difficult and hard on you, so it might be time to find a new one.
There could be a woman who is blocking you in some way. She wears the guise of a friend.
Three of Cups as a Strength
Your greatest strength lies in your ability to discern the truth. You do this by knowing when to speak and when to listen. The ability to listen and understand another person’s perspective is invaluable. There is a great push towards mending humanity’s lack of empathy and compassion.
Three of Cups as Advice
As advice in love, the Three of Cups asks you to go out with friends and express your freedom. Don’t get bogged down focusing on one person. If you are looking for love, the best way to meet people is to get out and about.
Career Implications
The Three of Cups in Professional Life
Three of Cups in Career
In business, the Three of Cups can indicate group projects, corporate fund raisers and holiday parties.
The hard work is over and now it is a time of achievement and celebrations. Rest on your laurels.
Three of Cups Professions
Party Planner, Wedding Planner, Event Manager or Coordinator, Social Butterfly, Interior Decorator
Reversed Meaning
Three of Cups Reversed
The Three of Cups Reversed and the Seven of Swords are both the thief cards, so theft of important items may take place.
The Three of Cups Reversed can indicate a woman with loose moral values and a libertine way of thinking about things. She may take advantage of innocent people.
The symbolism to the reversed Three of Cups is important and you have to take into account the cards were made in 1911 and back then it was a taboo for a woman to dress in red. Let’s take a closer look:
There are three women celebrating, but one of the women has her back faced to us. We might not think this is an important detail because people gather in circles all the time, but there are other ways to draw three women celebrating without seeing the back of someone. When someone has their back turned to us, we can’t see what they are doing. Words like “backstabber” and “he/she went behind your back” come to mind.
The woman in question is wearing a large red dress. The sheer size of her coat compared to the other coats is a signal. One could fit many pilfered items into it.
During Waite’s period in the turn of the century, red was a color that women, especially unmarried women, should not wear. Respectable women should not wear red. Red wasn’t always the power suit color that it is today.
There was a Bettie Davis movie called Jezebel where she is forced to wear a red dress during the American antebellum period (mid-1800s). She is shamed and eventually loses her innocence, no one will talk with her and her engagement is broken off. All over a red dress!
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Three of Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Three of Cups and Hierophant
a. Wedding.
Three of Cups and Justice
a. Balancing out two social obligations. You have a lot of fun with one or both.
Three of Cups and Tower
a. Three girls blowing off some steam.
Three of Cups and the Sun
a. Beach party.
b. Friendships bring clairity.
c. You only are able to see things clearly, when you talk them out with friends.
Three of Cups and Four of Wands
a. Wedding reception.
b. Wedding party.
c. Social event.
Three of Cups and Eight of Wands
a. Sending out evites to a party.
b. Throwing together an impromptu party with a few friends.
Three of Cups and Knight of Swords
a. He wants to find a way into the female group.
b. The man brings a rush of adrenaline and a different perspective into the female friends.
c. Be careful a man doesn’t come in between your friendships with you girlfriends.
Three of Cups and Six of Cups
a. Children’s party, Children’s performance.
Three of Cups and Eight of Pentacles
a. Office party.