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Description and Symbolism
Esoteric Symbolism Embedded in the Three of Pentacles
Two men are in a church showing a third man what they have drawn. The drawing looks remarkably like the building they are standing in. It looks like they have plans and need the third man’s approval. Maybe they are asking for a loan to start their own business. One man is dressed in a jester’s outfit and the other is dressed as a monk. The jester’s costume indicates that the two men are just starting out. This is a new beginning for them. It also indicates diversity.
Threes in readings can indicate that there are three people involved. Many threes can indicate delays, but with the promise of future success.
Interpretation and Divination
The Essence of the Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles indicates a skilled worker. It suggests a construction worker or someone who works with their hands.
The Three of Pentacles can indicate that someone needs money for a new business. It can suggest loans and making future plans. It suggests offers of all kinds.
The Three of Pentacles indicates that three or more people are working together. It can indicate group projects. It can also indicate internships where you work without pay.
You could be getting a letter of acceptance or approval for a loan.
You work well with other people and will be discussing new business avenues, plans and activities. Working with relative and family businesses take precedent.
Three of Pentacles in Love Readings
Understanding the Three of Pentacles in Romance
The Three of Pentacles in love suggests that you met at work or on a social media website.
If you are asking about a love interest, the Three of Pentacles suggests that they are busy at work. They might be thinking about you, but work will take precedent. They could also already be in a relationship with someone else. Love triangles can be indicated by the Three of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Three of Wands and especially the Three of Swords.
If you are currently in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you and your loved one work together. You could be discussing moving in together or making future plans.
Three of Pentacles as Feelings
Emotional Insights of the Three of Pentacles
Usually when the Three of Pentacles comes up in the feelings position the person feels superior to you in some way. They look down upon you and don’t think very well of you.
On the other hand, it can just indicate that they feel nothing much at all and are busy with other things in their life such as work, school or charity.
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Three of Pentacles as an External Factors
When the Three of Pentacles comes up as an external factor in a love reading, it indicates there are various parties involved. The person you are thinking of could be involved with someone else.
If you are already in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles suggests an affair, if supported by other cards, or that your partner is extremely busy at work, which they love more than you.
When the Three of Pentacles comes up as an external factor in career, you could be approved for a loan. Alternatively, you could be offered a job or promotion.
Career Implications
The Three of Pentacles in Professional Life
Three of Pentacles in Career
Coming Soon
Three of Pentacles Professions
Architect. Loan Officer. Mortgage Broker. Real Estate Agent.
The Three of Pentacles as Advice
You might need to reassess a situation and make alterations. Right now is a good time to make sure you are working together as a team. Anything started now will be worth it in the end.
Everyday Aspects of the Three of Pentacles
Daily Life and Practical Matters
The Three of Pentacles suggests shopping where merchants and customers are involved in a sales transaction.
Potential Outcomes for the Three of Pentacles
What could be.....
The Three of Pentacles Outcome in Love
As noted prior, it can indicate love triangles. Look for at least 3 court cards to support this. If this is the beginning of a romance and there are three people involved, they might not be able to decide who to choose. They say they are “busy,” but in reality, they are “busy” trying to balance two potential relationships. Unlike the 3 of Swords, there is a much greater possibility that they choose you. Just be patient. Some relationships take more time than others.
If there isn’t a love triangle and you are asking about a potential romantic partnership, you will talk to them or see them again.
If you are asking about an existing relationship, ask yourself about the love triangle first, then if there isn’t anyone else in your relationship, this card indicates a good, steady relationship, built on a strong foundation.
If you are dating someone or wondering about romance, you will talk to them or see them again.
Three of Pentacles Outcome
The Three of Pentacles as an outcome means you are on the right course. Any new business ventures will eventually see the fruits of your labor. New opportunities will manifest.
Reversed Meaning
Three of Pentacles Reversed
The Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates a lack of cooperation. Plans may end up falling apart.
Refusals are indicated. If this is a work question, you may not get the job or loan you want. If you are in the position of leadership, you may have to make cut backs.
In love, the Three of Pentacles reversed is about setbacks and advises that you not take the invitation or proposal.
If in a relationship, you may have to cut ties with a partner. You (or the other person) believes themselves to be superior to the other person. This is a blockage due to triangles, setbacks, idleness or infidelity.
I had this card pop up the other day and thought of the song by Celine Dion, “Refuse to Dance.” Maybe you should just say no.
Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations
Three of Pentacles and World
a. Finishing a group project.
b. Getting to a new level on the project you’ve been working on together.
c. Promotion.
Three of Pentacles and Six of Wands
a. Praise for a job well done. You’re coworkers love you.
Three of Pentacles and Two of Swords
a. “No, I won’t give you the loan you want.”
b. “No, I refuse to work together.”
Three of Pentacles and Three of Cups
a. Working together and celebrating.